7 abr 2011

¿Te atreves con las transparencias?

Los materiales más ligeros y volátiles salen a la calle para dejar insinuar o adivinar lo que se oculta tras de ellos, considerada una de las tendencias más insinuantes la gasa o muselina se apodera de las prendas. Esta parece ser una de las primaveras más seductoras. Para dar comienzo, os dejo una sesión de streetstyle y así os vayáis inspirando con sus looks.

Lighter materials and volatile take to the streets to leave hint or guess what lies behind them, considered one of the hottest trends suggestive of gauze or muslin garments seizes. This seems to be one of the sexiest spring. To start, I leave a session streetstyle and so will you go with her looks inspiring.


Source: Gala, Rumi, Natalie, Stylescrapbook, The Sartorialist, Seaofshoes, Chictopia, Pepa, Altamira, Vintage, ?¿

10 comentarios:

  1. Love the sheer skirts, tops, dresses etc. :)

    x FashionFifth

  2. Love this inspiration , my favourite is Betty!

  3. Love it all!!! Sheer skirts are my new addiction. All girls are so inspirational!

    xo thefashionguitar

  4. I love sheer blouses, skirts, t-shirts and I love all the pics u have choosen!
    thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, I follow u now...hope u can follow me back. I'm expecting for u!
    thanks, v


  5. Thanks for the comment! I love this trend, but only when its done right- like in these pictures!


  6. i love the sheer black skirts, they're so beautiful!

  7. all of these looks are so so pretty!!

  8. Thanks for the comment on my blog :)
    Amazing photos..and really inspiring ones!!
    Great blog!! I am anew follower!!
    Follow me back if u like!

    Many kissez!!!!:)

  9. Gorgeous photographs I love Style Scrapbook, such a great blog.

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  10. Gorgeous! I love these see-trough garments!


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